Driving a 15 Passenger Van? You Need a Commercial License!

Happy 2018 to my many clients, readers, and friends.No, this is not a photo of a 15 passenger van. But who doesn't like the image of a classic VW van parked in its historical glory?A question I get from time to time is whether someone driving a 15 passenger van in California requires a commercial license.Great question.  It turns out, the answer is yes.The California Vehicle Code requires a commercial driving license for any vehicle designed for 10 or more passengers. This includes school buses and large passenger vans.Many times our children attend field trips at school or at summer camp.  Drivers who transport children in a vehicle that seats more than 10 passengers must maintain a commercial driving license in California.You can find more information about this topic here at the California DMV's website.Stay safe in 2018! For questions about your case, the Rabbi Lawyer is ready to assist, 24/6.


Overview of California's New Marijuana Laws


Marijuana Law for CA Drivers Effective January 1st!