Rabbi Lawyer’s Purim Safety Tips

It's Purim time again!! For those that know, Purim is one of the most joyous celebrations on the Jewish calendar. For those unfamiliar with Purim, you can read more about this special holiday here. Even those who do not celebrate Purim can appreciate its message of hope and salvation. As we continue to make our way through 2021, we all could use more reasons to celebrate!!

Purim is traditionally a holiday where we can all let loose a little bit. That being said, it’s important to remain vigilant about the spread of COVID, as well as to ensure everyone’s safety is protected. Here are some tips to keep in mind.

  1. Drink responsibly. Every year community members are reminded that while Purim is a time to let loose, it's not a time to be irresponsible. DRINK RESPONSIBLY! Know your limits! It is also illegal to furnish alcohol to anyone under the age of 18. In fact, if you furnish alcohol to a minor in your home, you can be legally responsible for any resulting damage. Don’t do it.

  2. Don't Drink and Drive. This could be included under number 1 above. But it deserves its own heading. If you've had something, anything to drink, DO NOT GET BEHIND THE WHEEL. If you need to travel somewhere, get a ride, walk, or take an Uber. There's no "Purim Exception" to getting arrested for a DUI.

  3. Watch out for Pedestrians. Purim is a time when community members show their appreciation for each other by delivering Mishloach Manos. That means children will be out parading their costumes and getting in and out of vehicles. If you see a stopped car, please exercise special caution, as a child may be out of your line of sight getting ready to cross the street.

  4. Supervise Children! It’s an exciting time, and children will be in costumes parading around town. Keep your eyes on your children and make sure they are celebrating safely.

  5. Don't Jay Walk. We live in a community where large streets like Beverly, Third, Olympic, and Pico run through residential areas. These are huge streets and crossing them without the benefit of a controlled stoplight intersection can be incredibly dangerous. Best bet--walk to a stoplight and cross there on a green light.

    Let's all enjoy the wonderful holiday safely and responsibly while observing traffic laws!

    Happy Purim to those that celebrate! For questions about your case, the Rabbi Lawyer is ready to assist, 24/6.


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