Shocking Malibu crash kills 4 pedestrians on PCH

The Los Angeles community was shocked last week when 4 pedestrians were killed on PCH in Malibu.

Fraser Michael Bohm lost control of his car heading west on Pacific Coast Highway on the evening of October 17th. His car veered across traffic and smashed into three parked cars. The force of the collision caused the parked cars to slam into four Pepperdine University students who were standing on the walkway. The students, Niamh Rolston, Peyton Stewart, Asha Weir, and Deslyn Williams, died at the scene. Bohm was arrested and originally charged with vehicular manslaughter. This week, he was re-arrested and charged with murder.

According to the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department, traffic collisions along Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu are well-known occurrences to law enforcement. Captain Jennifer Seetoo has asked the public to slow down while driving on PCH, as crashes related to speeding have claimed too many lives in the past.

Pepperdine University has agreed to bestow posthumous degrees on the four young women tragically killed last week.

Just last year, my article discussed how Los Angeles is the second deadliest city for pedestrian accidents. As a Los Angeles attorney with years of experience in pedestrian accident cases, I can tell you that these cases often result in gruesome injuries. Unfortunately, as this Malibu case demonstrates, they are often fatal. There are steps pedestrians can take to enhance their safety as they walk the streets of Los Angeles. But much of the time, no matter what a pedestrian does, it frequently boils down to the person driving the car and the choices he or she makes. That appears to be what happened with Mr. Bohm, and it’s what happens to so many other pedestrians killed in Los Angeles every year.

Deepest condolences to the family of the four young women taken far too soon.

If you or someone you know was injured in a Los Angeles pedestrian accident, my office is ready to assist, 24/6.


PCH is getting more dangerous


The school bus didn’t show up. . .