It’s time to review your insurance coverage

Throughout the year, there are milestones when I advise clients to review their insurance policies.

Of course, we all know that the end of the year is a great time to take a look at your coverage.

Another time I recommend people review their coverage is towards the end of the summer, just as the kids are heading back to school.

The reasons are simple: Kids are back in school, which means more carpools, more appointments, and more extra-curricular activities. In short, as the summer draws to a close and we get ready to send our kids back to school, we are spending more time driving in the car.

As a Los Angeles personal injury and accident lawyer, the following scenario is common in my experience. A client presents to my office after an accident and believes they have “full coverage.”

After setting up the claim, beginning the investigation, and reviewing their insurance policy, I have often found that many clients are in fact, underinsured.

Many auto insurance policies can be purchased online, and the consumer can choose the type of coverage that he/she wants using a drop-down menu. Many people believe they are purchasing good coverage, and their lower insurance premiums are a result of a “good deal” they found on the insurance carrier’s website.

In truth, lower premiums are often the result of the customer buying lower insurance coverage. It’s that simple.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking you have “full coverage” when you don’t actually have it!

I’m here to help! I often review clients’ insurance policies to try and help prevent surprises in the future. I do this free of charge and would be happy to do this for you too. Shoot me an email or give my office a call and let’s set it up for you!

Enjoy the rest of your summer, and remember that if you or someone you know was injured in a Los Angeles or Orange County accident, my office is ready to assist, 24/6.


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