Trip & Fall Prevention Tips for Homeowners

Summer is wrapping up! We’re all sad about that aren’t we?

Besides for the out-of-the-ordinary heat wave we’re experiencing here in Southern California, this time of year is often when homeowners get around to making small repairs around the house. Children are in school, and the weather is pretty cooperative, for the most part.

In that regard, here are some tips from yours truly on how you can minimize trip and fall liability on and around your property. This list is by no means exhaustive.

  1. Fix the Stairs

    Do you have stairs leading up to your property? If you do, make sure you have proper handrails in place. You can find those requirements here. Also, make sure the stairs are properly lit at night, and have contrasting paint or tape to provide visual warnings to anyone walking up or down the stairs to watch their step.

    If you have a loose or creaky step, fix it!!! And if anyone needs to use that step before you get around to repairing it, make sure to warn that person to watch their step, otherwise you might be liable for subsequent injuries.

  2. Ensure Proper Lighting

    This is very important. My office recently handled a case where the client missed a step in the dark. This caused him to fall and fracture his ankle. A simple lightbulb would have avoided this painful consequence. If there are areas of your property where lighting is deficient and could lead to someone tripping and hurting themselves, install lighting to avoid a serious injury.

  3. Fix the Walkways!

    Does your property have cracked concrete, upended bricks or stones, or any other condition which impedes navigability? Now is the time to correct these problems. I’ve seen many times in my practice how a simple barbecue or backyard event gets interrupted by paramedics showing up to transport an injured participant to the hospital. And if you think the person walking will see the problem, have you thought about whether it is visible at night? Many times it isn’t. So if there’s an issue that needs attention on your property, don’t wait until someone gets hurt. Fix it before someone suffers the consequences.

  4. Are you Insured Properly?

    Many people think that in the event of an injury, their insurance will step in and take over. This is not always the case—especially if the property owner is not properly insured.

    If you run a business out of your house that creates extra foot traffic in the house, talk to your insurance agent about whether you need commercial coverage. Each insurance company has different requirements. In the event of a serious injury, the last thing you want is to be notified by your insurance carrier that they are not covering you for the incident because of an exclusion listed on your policy. You could be personally responsible in this scenario.

  5. Fix Leaks

    Is your property leaking to the point where someone on public property could slip and get hurt? If this is the case, you could be liable in the event of an injury, especially at night when it’s harder to see.

Many of the above suggestions are based on real cases that I’ve handled over the years. Trip and fall cases can cause devastating injuries. If you have questions about a trip and fall case, whether it was on the public sidewalk or on private property, give me a call.

I’m ready to assist, 24/6.


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