Back to school safety tips

It’s back-to-school time for our community!  As preparations for school gear up and the summer winds down, now is a great time for parents and students to do a quick refresher on ways to increase safety and prevent accidents.     

Whether your children ride a school bus, a carpool, or their bicycles, here are some general safety tips to keep in mind as the school year begins.

  For Drivers

·      Put away your phone.  As a reminder, it’s illegal in California to use a handheld device while driving. Texting, writing emails, and talking on the cellphone are all dangerous distractions that cause unnecessary accidents on our roads.

·      Plan your route.  Have an idea of the route you plan to take before getting in your car.  Try to take into account road closures or other delays that might negatively affect your stress levels as you drive.

 ·      Give yourself enough time.  Nobody likes to rush, and rushing while behind the wheel can have tragic consequences.  Traffic congestion can be very stressful in the morning, but don’t vent your frustration on the gas pedal.  Give yourself enough time to get your children to school before the bell rings.

 ·      Shortcuts Can Be Dangerous.  Many of our schools border residential streets.  Speeding down the adjacent residential street to beat the traffic jam ahead is a bad idea.  It’s also the source of frequent complaints from neighbors.  Alleys are not racetracks either, so please be very careful when entering or exiting an alley.

·      Follow Crossing Guards’ Instructions and the School Zone Speed LimitBe aware of the posted speed limit in the school zone.  Be extra vigilant around the school campus, where children might be jaywalking.  Always yield to a crossing guard or adult assisting students who are crossing the street.

·      Stop For the School Bus.  The stop signs on the side of the bus are treated the same as a regular stop sign.  If the bus is dropping off passengers, stop and wait for the bus to proceed.  Do not attempt to pass the bus, and be extra careful for children who may dart out into traffic.

For Children/Students

·      Cross only at intersections.  If there’s a crossing guard, wait for his or her instructions.

 ·      Do not ever run into the street.  Not even to try and catch your wayward basketball.

 ·      Exiting the School Bus.  Children who exit the school bus to cross the street should do so in front of the bus, not behind it.

·      Bicycles and Scooters.  Everyone under 18 must wear a helmet while riding a bike or scooter.  If riding at night, the bicycle must have functioning lights that are in proper working order.  Bicycle riding on the sidewalk is controversial, and while it’s legal in some circumstances, it does lead to many accidents.  Riders must also stop at stop signs and red lights.

  • Electric Scooters. This topic deserves its own post. Suffice to say that many of the electric scooters on the market are not made for children, even though that does not stop manufacturers from selling and marketing them to children. Be very cautious with electric scooters, and if you have questions about a scooter injury, my office is available to discuss the details with you.

For the Carpool Line

 I would be remiss if I didn’t at least include a few courtesy tips for parents who participate in carpool.

  • ·      Put away your phone.  In fact, keep it out of reach!

  •  ·      Do not park illegallyThis includes parking in a red zone or blocking a driveway with your hazard lights on—which is still illegal. It can cause a domino effect of traffic hazards and frustration for other drivers.  Please be considerate of adjacent neighbors and other parents. If you have retrieved your passengers, please do not hold up the line unnecessarily.

  • ·      Do not block alleys or driveways. 

  • Do not blare your horn!  It’s possible you may have successfully loaded your children in your car, but there may be cars ahead of you that haven’t.  Honking is not going to make them fulfill their objective any faster.

  •  ·      Be extra vigilant.  Children may run out unexpectedly from between parked cars.  Make sure your childrens’ seat belts are fastened before you begin to drive away. 

If you have questions about a school injury case, whether your child is being bullied, got hurt at recess, or someone was injured in the carpool line, my office is ready to assist, 24/6.

Wishing all families a successful school year!


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