Pico-Robertson Pedestrian Accidents

Lately, we have been hearing about more cases of pedestrian accidents in the Pico Robertson neighborhood of Los Angeles.

The Pico-Robertson neighborhood has experienced an explosion of commercial and residential development over the past decade. And the building doesn't look to be slowing down anytime soon.

While this development may be great for property values, it poses an increased risk of collisions between pedestrians and cars. One need not travel too far down Pico Boulevard to notice heavy machinery and traffic patterns being re-routed to accommodate construction vehicles.

Some particularly dangerous intersections include popular stretches of Pico Boulevard, including Sherbourne, Livonia, and Crest. My office has received calls about the pedestrian crossing at Pico and Crest. There have been too many instances of pedestrians being hit by cars at this intersection with devastating consequences.

Further south of Pico-Robertson, Beverlywood has experienced its fair share of pedestrian collisions. Sawyer and Robertson is a trouble spot, as are other areas throughout the residential streets of the quaint Beverlywood area.

Drivers are urged to slow down and exercise caution when navigating the busy sections of Pico-Robertson and Beverlywood. Pedestrians should cross only at lights and not jaywalk. If walking in the evening, pedestrians can use their smartphone flashlight to make themselves more visible to oncoming drivers.

Over the years, I've discussed pedestrian accidents many times on these pages. Los Angeles had an unacceptable amount of pedestrian deaths in 2017, which you can read about here.

You can find important pedestrian safety tips here. As drivers, let's do what we can to prevent Pico Robertson and Beverlywood pedestrian accidents.

For questions about your case, the Rabbi Lawyer is ready to assist.


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