E-Scooter Safety Study Released

The Centers for Disease Control released its study on e-scooter safety in the test-market of Austin, Texas. The results are concerning.

Last week the CDC released its long-awaited study on e-scooter safety. The study focused on facts and statistics in the Austin, Texas metropolitan area. The results could bode for some uncomfortable conclusions for scooter riders here in Los Angeles, Santa Monica, and Beverly Hills.

The CDC report includes all sorts of ominous statistics. Half of those who were hospitalized as a result of scooter accidents suffered a broken or fractured limb of some kind. 55% of those injured by scooters were male.

Even more frightening is the prevalence among scooter riders of "severe injuries" and traumatic brain injuries. Severe injuries include bone fractures; nerve, tendon, or ligament injuries, bleeding; or spending 48 hours in the hospital. Fifteen percent of injured scooter riders suffered traumatic brain injuries.

Remarkably, only 16% of injured scooter riders involved a collision with a car. Some scooter riders attributed their injuries to scooter malfunctions, such as non-functioning brakes. Half of scooter accidents happened between 6:00PM and 6:00AM, and half of those injured were in the 18-29 age bracket.

The study concludes that these statistics are not likely limited to Austin, Texas. Riders in other markets are likely to have similar experiences. Readers can find the complete CDC study here.

As a Los Angeles scooter accident lawyer, I can tell you that these statistics mirror some of the injuries my clients have faced. And although it is no longer required in California, riders should understand that wearing a helmet can significantly prevent serious head injuries. Other important California scooter laws can be found in this post.

While it seems like every week more and more scooters are being put out for Los Angeles and Santa Monica riders, it is important to be aware of the substantial risks these vehicles can pose to both riders and pedestrians.

For questions about your Los Angeles or Santa Monica scooter accident case, the Rabbi Lawyer is ready to assist. 24/6.


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