2017: Another Year of Increased Traffic Deaths

This week has seen some pretty tough news.On top of all that's going on, the National Safety Council released its annual study of traffic fatalities across the United States.The numbers aren't good.For the second year in a row, there were more than 40,000 traffic deaths across the country in 2017.  It was also the third year in a row where the numbers are increasing, not decreasing.As I discussed around the same time last year, experts believe there are numerous reasons for the increase in traffic deaths.  Drivers are more distracted now than they ever have been.And safer cars do not necessarily translate to safer roads or safer drivers.Another key factor was an alarming amount of people who, in this day and age, still do not use their seat belts.The Safety Council's annual numbers are higher because the Council's study includes deaths that occur on private roadways. Most Government data only includes those that occur on public streets.Readers can find more information about 2017's numbers here.Buckle up, and eliminate the distractions while driving!!  Put the phone away while driving. Don't tweet, check email, check Facebook, or really do anything else but drive!For questions about your Los Angeles accident case, the Rabbi Lawyer is ready to assist, 24/6.


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