U.S. Traffic Deaths Increased in 2016
Traffic deaths across the country increased in 2016. That's bad news for American drivers.According to a report issued by the National Safety Council, 40,200 people died on American roads in 2016.It's the first time since 2007 that more than 40,000 people were killed. 2016 was the second year in a row that the trend increased.Researchers believe that despite all the safety enhancements and bells and whistles that are coming standard in newer automobiles, the sad reality is that drivers are more distracted now than they ever have been in the past.Cell phone use continues to lead to distracted driving. Apps like Facebook, Google Maps, and now Snapchat are creating distractions that could lead to collisions.Speeding is also a high contributor to the frightening statistics. Other causes of traffic injuries and deaths are unbelted drivers and passengers, and driving while impaired.While self-driving cars could eventually eliminate or drastically reduce these statistics, as it stands now, we are a long way off from this goal.Stay alert, don't speed, don't text, and definitely don't drink and drive!For questions about your Los Angeles car accident case, the Rabbi Lawyer is ready to assist, 24/6!