Hollywood & Highland Gets New, Safer Crosswalk
Earlier this month, yours truly gave an overview of pedestrian safety tips for those navigating the incredibly crowded intersection of Hollywood and Highland.As I mentioned in that post, Hollywood and Highland is one of the busiest corners in Los Angeles and is where, according to the LAPD, many accidents occur every year.Well, there's good news for Angelenos. Last week, the City of Los Angeles installed a new "scramble" crosswalk at Hollywood and Highland.Scramble crosswalks allow pedestrians to cross straight and diagonally. All cars stop at the intersection to allow pedestrians to safely pass in all directions.The City of Los Angeles spent roughly $50,000 for this safety improvement. The goal is to reduce traffic collisions at the intersection, where countless pedestrians in the past have been hit by speeding drivers.The new crosswalk will probably annoy drivers because of increased waiting times. But it just might save lives.For questions about your case, the Rabbi Lawyer is just one phone call away.